What You'll Learn

  • The problem with measuring growth based on budget alone
  • The single most important finance strategy you’ll ever need
  • The secret to eliminating the overwhelm that feels so central to leadership
  • How to get support moving from chaotic growth to smart, sustainable impact

Since working with Brooke, our budget doubled, hitting over the million mark. We're putting in place systems that not only help us hit milestones but ensure our longevity!

- Marguerite

"Since I met Brooke, our budget has grown 10x, the team has tripled in size, and I've grown into a different leader.

- Yamilee

We have systems in place now, and our programs run themselves rather than me having to manage every detail. Our board operates independently, allowing me time to focus on strategic growth rather than day-to-day operations.

What if you knew exactly which steps to take to grow & deepen your impact in the next year?

❌ No more guessing and Googling to try to reverse engineer the success you think you’re seeing in other organizations 

❌ No more feeling like you’re constantly putting out fires, running between meetings, & trying to figure out which direction to move in first…

❌ No more spending all of your time in the weeds of your organization and wishing you had time for visioning and strategy…

❌ And definitely no more feeling like your organization is running you - instead of you running it. 

Now you can go from feeling overwhelmed by messy growth to the calm and confidence of smart, sustainable growth and impact.


Too many leaders like you have spent days and weeks going to workshops, attending trainings, and learning “all the things” only to still feel like they’re stuck. 

It's deflating, and pinpointing the issue isn't always straightforward.

Being a growth-ready nonprofit is about having strong, well-integrated systems - finely honed through crystal clear strategy, targeted revenue generation, and leveraged capacity-building. 

I teach you how to build and hone these integrated systems -- How to crystalize your strategy, build your capacity, and master the crucial fundraising models you need to truly scale.

Next Level Nonprofit gives you a step-by-step playbook to build an organization that is truly have - and sustain - deep and powerful impact in the world.